
Vasilis Megalooikonomou

Phone: +30-2610-996993
Web: Personal page
Prof. Vasilis Megalooikonomou, received his B.E. in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the Univ. of Patras (UoP), Greece, in 1991, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County in 1995 and 1997, respectively. He is currently a Professor in the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID) of UoP, Greece. Prior to his appointment at UoP, he held faculty positions at Temple University, Dartmouth College and Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine.

His research interests include medical informatics and bioinformatics, data mining, data compression, pattern recognition, intelligent information systems, medical image analysis, and multimedia database systems. He has co-authored over 200 refereed articles in journals and conference proceedings and six book chapters. He has been on the program committees of a number of premier conferences and he is regularly serving as a referee for a number of premier journals in his areas of research. He received a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation in 2003 to work on developing data mining methods for extracting patterns from medical image databases.

His research has been supported in the United States by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Lockheed Martin Corporation. During the last 8 years he has served as the scientific coordinator of the FP7 ARMOR project and of the BIOMEDMINE project co-financed by the European Social Fund and Greek national funds. He is currently the coordinator of the H2020 FRAILSAFE project. Prof. Megalooikonomou is a member of IEEE, IEEE CS, ACM, SIAM and OHBM.

Affiliated Faculty Members

Georgios Pavlidis

Phone: +30-2610-997535
Research Interests: Software Technology, Large Scale Information Systems, Financial Calculations, Information Mining, Project Management

Ioannis Vassilopoulos

Dr. Ioannis Vassilopoulos is a member of the Teaching Staff at the Univ. of Patras from 2020, with a previous academic experience at universities in the United Kingdom and Greece. He has a degree in Informatics (University of Ioannina), with a MSc (University of Patras) in Signal and Image Processing Systems, and a PhD from Teesside University, UK. He is active in research on human-computer interaction, software technology, and machine learning and deep learning.

Other Collaborating Faculty Members

Efstratios Gallopoulos

Phone: +30-2610-996911
Web: Personal page
Research Interests: Scientific computing, Parallel and Distributed Processing, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Computational Science and Engineering, Problem Solving Environments, Data Mining and Data Analytics

Christos Makris

Phone: +30-2610-996968
Web: Personal page
Research Interests: Data Structures, Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Bioinformatics, String Algorithmic, Computational Geometry, Multimedia Data Bases, Internet Technologies. He is/was a member of ACM, IEEE and EATCS.

Spyros Voulgaris

Phone: +30-2610-996916
Web: Personal page
Research Interests: Distributed Systems, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Peer-To-Peer Networks

† Dimitrios Christodoulakis

Research Interests: Database and Knowledge Systems, Large Scale Data Management, Hypertext, Language Technology and Greek Language

Thomas Papastergiou

Web: Researchgate profile
Thomas Papastergiou had his bachelor from the Mathematics Department of University of Patras, his master degree “Mathematics of Computers and Decision Making” from the departments of Mathematics and Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of University of Patras and currently he is a phd student. His research interest comprise multidimensional and distributed data analysis, big data, knowledge discovery and tensors.

Evangelia Zacharaki

Phone: +30-2610-996994
Web: Researchgate profile
Dr. Evangelia I. Zacharaki (HdR’17, PhD’04, M.Eng’99) is a senior research scientist in the MDAKM laboratory, Dep. of Computer Engineering and Informatics (CEID) and the Visualization and Virtual Reality Group in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of University of Patras, Greece. Prior to that she has worked as a research associate at the Section of Biomedical Image Analysis, UPenn, USA (2005 – 2009), the Medical Physics Department, University of Patras (2009 – 2012), and the Center for Visual Computing, CentraleSupelec, France (2015-2017). She focuses on statistical modeling and machine learning for representation, fusion and analysis of high-dimensional biomedical data. Dr. Zacharaki received a 3-year scholarship from Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation (IKY) for doctoral studies and a Marie Curie Reintegration Grant for post-doctoral research. She serves as member of 3 editorial boards and commonly as reviewer in major journals (IEEE TMI, IEEE TBME, MedIA, ESWA) and conferences (MICCAI) in her field. She has co-authored 88 papers in refereed international journals (34), books (2) and conference proceedings (52) and has received more than 1540 citations with h-index 18 until 11/2018.

Konstantinos Deltouzos

Phone: +30-2610-996994
Web: LinkedIn profile, Researchgate profile
Konstantinos Deltouzos received the Diploma degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in distributed systems from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2004 and 2016, respectively. He has participated as researcher in more than 5 European Projects in the areas of signal processing, data mining, and distributed systems. He is currently working as a research engineer at CEID, UoP and his research interests include distributed data management and analysis, signal processing, and machine learning.

Dimitrios Vlachakis

Phone: +30-2610-996994
Web: Personal page
Dr Dimitrios Vlachakis is a Structural Biologist – Biochemist (BSc, Honors’ Degree), who holds a MSc, a MPhil and a PhD in the fields of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics. His main scientific interests include the in silico drug design of novel antiviral and anticancer agents, QSAR, molecular modelling, molecular dynamics and 3D pharmacophore elucidation studies.

Gkolfo Smani

Web: LinkedIn profile
Gkolfo Smani had her bachelor from the Mathematics Department of University of Patras, her master degree “Mathematics of Computers and Decision Making” from the departments of Mathematics and Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of University of Patras and currently she is a Phd student. Her research interests include graph mining, social networks and graphs, as well as data mining and machine learning applications.

Olga Flogera

Web: LinkedIn profile
Olga Flogera obtained her bachelor from the department of Business Planning and Information Systems of Technological Educational Institute of Patras, her master degree “Computer Science and technology” from Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of University of Patras and currently she is a PhD student. Her research interests include biomedical data mining, graph mining in protein networks and machine learning applications.

Ioanna Pappa

Web: LinkedIn profile
Ioanna Pappa obtained her diploma (BSc) from the Biology Department of University of Patras, her Master’s Degree “Informatics of Life Sciences” from the Department of Medicine of University of Patras and currently she is a PhD candidate. Her research interests include bioinformatics, data mining for biological data analysis, machine learning on omic data.

Fotis Tagkalakis

Web: LinkedIn profile
Fotis Tagkalakis obtained his Diploma BSc and MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras in 2017. Furthermore, he concluded a MRes with a full scholarship at the University of Leeds in 2021. He has been working as an Artificial Intelligence Engineer since 2019 developing and deploying deep learning and machine learning driven solutions for computer vision applications. His research interests lie in the intersection of deep learning, machine learning, computer vision and data science.

Costantinos Bampos

Costas Bampos is an applied scientist with a M.Eng from Demokritus University of Thrace, and two MSc, one in biomedical engineering from NTUA and the second in machine learning from UPAT. He us PhD candidate in the Multidimensional Data Analysis and Knowledge Management Laboratory in the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics of the University of Patras under the supervision of Prof. Megalooikonomou. His thesis involves network analysis of multidimensional biological networks (multi-omics) through the use of machine learning algorithms and explainable deep neural architectures.

Estela Papagianni

Web: LinkedIn profile
Estela Papagianni is a Ph.D. candidate at the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department at the University of Patras, Greece, since May 2016. E Papagianni graduated from the Department of Business Administration of the University of Patras, with a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Her research interests are Knowledge Data mining (KDD), Data mining in Economics and Finance, Business Intelligence and Analytics. In addition to pursuing her PhD, she has been working at the Research Committee department of the University of Patras since 2009.

Iliana Zacharopoulou

Web: LinkedIn profile
Iliana Zacharopoulou received her Diploma (M.Eng) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Technical University of Crete in 2020, with specialization in the field of optoelectronics and imaging diagnostics. Currently, she is a master student in Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (C.E.I.D.) in University of Patras and a member of the Multidimensional Data Analysis and Knowledge Management Laboratory. Her interests include Databases, Data Mining, Distributed Systems and Big Data Management and Analytics.

Panagiotis Tsakas

Web: LinkedIn profile
Panagiotis Tsakas received his Diploma (MSc) in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras in 2021. The focus area of his thesis was interpretable artificial intelligence. Currently, he is a member of the Multidimensional Data Analysis and Knowledge Management Laboratory. His interests include Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

Spyros Kalogiannis

Web: LinkedIn profile
Spyridon Kalogiannis obtained his Diploma (B.Sc.) in computer engineering and informatics from the University of Patras in 2016. Currently, he is a master student in Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (C.E.I.D.) and a member of the Multidimensional Data Analysis and Knowledge Management Laboratory. His interests include Databases, Data Mining, Distributed Systems and Big Data Management and Analytics. He has acted as an assistant in undergraduate courses in CEID, including Databases I and Oriented Programming.

Grigorios Koulouras

Web: Personal page
Grigorios Koulouras holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Systems Engineering and a Master’s degree in Applied Information Systems both awarded from the Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (Greece). He is currently studying for a second Master’s Degree in Informatics for Life Sciences, focusing on Bioinformatics, at the Medical School of the University of Patras (Greece).

George Sergiannis

Web: LinkedIn profile
George Sergiannis obtained his Diploma in computer engineering and informatics from the University of Patras. He has an extensive experience in the ICT industry for over two decades. Currently, he is a student in the Master’s program in computer science and technology of the University of Patras. His interests include Data Mining, Machine learning, Big Data, and Analytics. He has participated as teaching assistant in undergraduate courses, including Databases I, Databases II, and Data mining and machine learning algorithms.

George Mallis

George Mallis is a PhD student at the University of Thessaly, specializing in AI and Deep Learning for biomedical applications. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and an MSc in Polymer Science and Technology from the University of Patras, with a focus on computational physics. His research centers on developing advanced neural network models for healthcare. He is involved in the research activities of MDAKM lab.

Maria Revythi

Maria Revythi completed her Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Patras and earned her Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from the same institution. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Quantum Computing. Her research interests encompass data analysis, biomedical image processing and analysis, as well as quantum computing and quantum machine learning. She is involved in the research activities of MDAKM lab.

Pavlos Aquino-Ellul

Pavlos Aquino-Ellul received his Diploma (MSc) in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras in 2022 and his MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Surrey in 2024. Both his theses focused on assessing and predicting on big medical data utilizing Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques. His interests include Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Signal Processing. He is involved in the research activities of MDAKM lab.